SUMBA, Indonesia


Liquidstar has worked diligently to explore opportunities to extend energy access to some of the more remote regions of Indonesia’s 17,000 islands. With initial focus on Sumba Island, Liquidstar is beginning surveys and assessments before plans to deploy Waypoints focused on 30 villages with potential to expand to 430.


  • Indonesian Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration - The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendesa) (Indonesian: Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi Indonesia) has the task of assisting the President in regards to developing the rural and disadvantages areas in Indonesia. Through its community development, it would help to speed up the development of villages. It also has responsibility to the Transmigration Program.

  • IDNextLeader - IDNextLeader (IDNL) Is a Non-Profit Organization That Prepares a Support System for Future Leaders #Indonesia.


After surveying over 10 remote villages on both western and eastern Sumba, we are launching a mini Waypoint that will provide batteries, water, and limited ice and free wifi to a village in western Sumba. Along with proof of work mining on extra energy, this Waypoint will demonstrate the most complete e-ecosystem concept before the Djibouti Waypoint.

More information to come through case study process.

Sumba Waypoint purpose & functionality

Sumba Waypoint behind the scenes